“She Is” IS a Complete Sentence

I intervened a while back during a lecture in which an instructor I was working with was teaching about complete and fragmented sentences. She’d written a list of sentences and fragmented sentences on the board that the students were to properly classify. The first sentence she listed was “She is.” As the instructor explained to the students that this was a “fragmented sentence,” I interjected that it was actually a complete sentence, “She” the (simple) subject and “is” the (simple) predicate or third person singular present tense of the verb “to be”… Although the term “is” is frequently used as a copula or linking verb, since it is a verb, its exclusive use with a subject forms a complete sentence. I decided that I’d run this by an English expert/instructor at another school where I’d accepted an assignment, and she agreed with me.  Kissing my brain.

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