A Quick Way to Teach Students to Count/Write By 10’s and to 100

Once a student learns to count to ten, they can easily learn to count to one hundred. A quick way to teach students to count and write to 100, once they’ve learned to count/write from 1 to 10, is to have them to vertically write the numbers 1 through 10 on a sheet of paper and add zeros to each number, or better put to instantly learn to count by 10’s to 100. Emphasize that counting by 10’s is similar to counting from 1 to 10, i.e., one (1) becomes ten (10), two (2) becomes two-enty or twenty (20), three (3) becomes thirty (30), four (4) becomes fourty, five (5) becomes fifty, six (6) becomes sixty (60), seven (7) becomes seventy (70), eight (8) becomes eighty (80), nine (9) becomes ninety (90), and ten (10) becomes one hundred (100). Once the student has mastered this concept, have them to successively write the numbers one through nine (1-9) after each ten. And there it is…

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